Tools and strategies for psychosocial regulations

The rise in psychosocial claims highlights the urgent need for effective preventive measures. Risk Management Essentials offers the tools and strategies your business needs to comply with psychosocial regulations. Our expert guidance ensures your organisation meets legal requirements while fostering a safer, healthier, and more productive work environment. With our support, you can tackle psychosocial risks and build a positive workplace culture.

Step 1: Psychosocial Hazards Consultation

We start with an initial consultation to thoroughly understand your organisation’s unique needs, challenges, and goals related to psychosocial hazards. Our team will collaborate with you to identify and assess these hazards through tailored surveys, interviews, and observational assessments.

Step 2: Develop and Implement a Comprehensive Psychosocial Toolkit

Based on the initial assessments conducted in Step 1, we prepare a comprehensive Psychosocial Toolkit that includes the following:

Psychosocial Hazards Manual:

  • We create a detailed Psychosocial Hazards Manual that outlines the psychosocial hazards relevant to your workplace and offers proven, clear strategies to manage and mitigate these risks. This manual promotes a safe and healthy work environment by providing practical guidance on addressing psychosocial issues.

Risk Assessments:

  • Along with the Psychosocial Hazards Manual, we provide comprehensive Workplace and Employee Psychosocial Risk Assessments. These easy-to-use templates help you conduct thorough risk assessments to ensure that the psychosocial hazards and strategies outlined in the manual remain current and relevant to your workplace.
    • Workplace Psychosocial Risk Assessments: Our Workplace Psychosocial Risk Assessments allow you to perform your own assessments, saving costs and offering flexibility to update them as your business evolves. You understand your risks better than any external auditor, and our tools empower you to address them effectively.
    • Employee Psychosocial Risk Assessments: Recognising that one-size-fits-all assessments may not suit every individual, we include Employee Psychosocial Risk Assessments. These assessments allow you to address specific needs on an individual basis, ensuring each employee is supported in a way that suits their unique circumstances.

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