Assessment complete

Congratulations on completing the risk management assessment.

No doubt many were easy questions, while others were thought provoking.
‘No’ answers means some action is warranted and for those ranked highest priority, the actions are compulsory and should be actioned immediately.

An email has just been sent to you with proposals for solutions and remedies for all your ‘No’ answers. These are in a form you can undertake yourself or with the assistance of your own or our recommended professionals.

We encourage you to fix the procedures, policies or activities that caused the ‘No’ answers and turn them into Yes’s without delay as you are exposing yourself, your office and the brand name to avoidable risks.

Remember, the aim is to raise your awareness of the risk management issues within your business and to do something about them. RMA is on hand to assist you at all times. You can expect our contact and follow up to make sure you are on track.