Grey Fleets – the risk to organisations

We first became aware of the term ‘grey fleet’ around 2015 and it is still widely unknown but a high-risk factor in most organisations. The term defines vehicles being used by a business that it doesn’t own; vehicles owned and used by employees to conduct business and vehicles that are hired occasionally and used for …

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AFL NSW / ACT – R U OK? Round kicking off life-changing conversations

By Across NSW and ACT, AFL players are pulling up their yellow socks and donning their club jerseys in support of the inaugural RUOK? AFL Round.  The round, established to inspire and empower the AFL community to meaningfully connect with people around them, is the first simultaneous initiate run across all 14 managed leagues …

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New & Young Workers – Rights & Responsibilities by SafeWork SA

If you’re a young person looking to start work, or an employer thinking about taking on a young worker, you need to understand your respective rights and responsibilities around work health and safety and employment conditions. Young workers can be vulnerable and at increased risk of workplace injury due to lack of experience, maturity and …

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Avoiding driver fatigue

Drowsy driving is suspected to be a primary cause in more than 20% of road fatalities. Most fatigue-related accidents occur during normal sleeping hours, and the more severe the crash, the more likely it is that the driver or drivers were fatigued. Fatigue is a likely factor in almost one third of single-vehicle crashes in rural areas. …

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External Defibrillators in the Workplace

By Australian Institute of Health and Safety WorkSafe Victoria is urging employers to consider installing automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and has recently published new guidance on their use in the workplace. WorkSafe’s guidance states that anyone with access to an AED can safely step in to handle a cardiac arrest crisis, knowing they cannot cause …

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83 Australians killed in the workplace in the first half of 2019

83 killed The preliminary number of Australians killed at work in 2019. $61.8 billion  The cost of work-related injury and disease to the Australian economy. $480 million The total amount of workers’ compensation paid each year for work-related mental disorders. These numbers are simply staggering, and yet we continue to be surprised to find many sectors that have no appetite …

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