NSW Regulators put construction and resources sectors on notice.

By: Australian Institute of Health and Safety

Resources Regulator Chief Inspector of Mines Garvin Burns said the new campaign is the result of an industry-wide roundtable held last year.

“While the NSW mining industry’s safety record exceeds other high-risk industries and is statistically one of the safest in the world, there is no room for complacency,” Burns said.

“Since we convened that roundtable there have tragically been two fatalities at NSW mines.

“While we do not believe there needs to be a ‘safety reset’ in NSW, like is happening in other jurisdictions, it is prudent to take proactive and renewed steps to keep safety front of mind in NSW mining operations.”

Through the Mine Safety Advisory Council and NSW’s strong approach, he said the regulator is working collaboratively with industry and unions to ensure that all mine workers go home safe at the end of their shift.”

The Resources Regulator is releasing a series of safety resources, including video animations, to be shown to mineworkers by mine operators.

The first of these is a video, Be Safe at Work, developed in partnership with the NSW Minerals Council and the CFMMEU, which focuses on topics including supervision, safety planning, safe equipment and safe systems.