Did you know you can register an AED with your states Ambulance provider?

Shockingly statistics show 600 people every week die from Sudden Cardiac Arrest, including kids, teenagers, and fit adults.

While it’s fantastic that more businesses, community groups and private homes are now purchasing AED’s (Automated External Defibrillator), did you know you can register your defib with ambulance services in most states.  By registering your AED’s location becomes available during critical lifesaving minutes that could become the difference between a fatality or survival.

In Victoria alone, each year Ambulance Victoria attends more than 5500 cardiac arrests in the community.  Unfortunately, only one in 10 survive.  For every minute defibrillation is delayed, the chance of survival for a person in cardiac arrest decreases by nine percent. The early use of a defibrillator by members of the public can significantly increase a person’s chances of survival.

RME has partnered with Guy Leech’s Heart180 so if you would like to know more about purchasing an AED and undertaking training to demystify how to use a defib when needed contact us on  P: 1300 388 881 or E: sales@riskessentials.com.au.

If you have an AED and haven’t yet registered in your state, please do so, you could save the life of someone close by. Please use the below links

Ambulance Victoria


SA Ambulance Service


St Johns – National (incl. ACT)


Queensland Ambulance Service


St John WA
