83 Australians killed in the workplace in the first half of 2019

83 killed

The preliminary number of Australians killed at work in 2019.

$61.8 billion 

The cost of work-related injury and disease to the Australian economy.

$480 million

The total amount of workers’ compensation paid each year for work-related mental disorders.

These numbers are simply staggering, and yet we continue to be surprised to find many sectors that have no appetite for risk management.   I have personally lost a loved one who was killed at work, the result of which lead to a change of an industry procedure that was implemented nationally.  So maybe my take is a little biased, but our passion at RME to supply our client’s solutions comes from a place of genuinely wanting to assist SME’s in areas that they could not effectively manage themselves, have the resources and expertise to do so or simply acknowledge that an external assessment can complement your internal programs and systems.

Whether you’re a business or a club, as PCBU’s (person conducting business or undertaking) including  officer’s, manager’s, board and committee members if you don’t know your level of liability, or don’t have the correct policies, procedures and management plans in place – then you need to find out! You have a responsibility to provide ‘as far as reasonably practicable’ a safe place for people to attend work or events as either a paid worker, volunteer, contractor, spectator or site attendee.

Think it won’t happen to you – think again!

Now, I’m off the soapbox…. and we have some great things to share this month. 

It is with immense pride and pleasure that RME announce our growth into ACT and NSW.

Paul Hands Senior HSEQ Consultant / Manager ACT & NSW – has commenced with us and is culturally a great fit.  Paul shares the RME passion for our industry and importantly providing solutions to clients with a wide range of services.  If any of you have colleagues in ACT & NSW, Paul will be providing all RME’s current programs & services as well as introducing expertise in the development and ongoing management of Integrated Safety, Quality and Environmental Management Systems.

His experience includes the auditing of management systems and processes, site inspections, project management, risk management frameworks, investigations and interpreting the applicable legislation, standards and codes of practice for best practice results.  Paul also has the ability to apply and articulate the scope and general content of WHS risk management systems and standards including AS/NZS 4801:2001, ISO 45001, AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009, or additional relevant standards.

Having worked with various companies to develop and maintain Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner (OFSC) accreditation, Paul is there to help you manage your risk profile,  improve management systems and achieve conformance against AS/NZS 4801, ISO 45001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OFSC audit criteria requirements.

Paul offers a dynamic, focused and highly motivated approach and having 12 years’ experience in the Construction Industry, an extensive knowledge in a range of roles in the Construction, Utility, Mining, Transportation, Manufacturing, Food and Education industries is a great addition to the RME team.

Paul’s experience shows great variety, yet the one constant is he always provides a supportive, encouraging and collaborative approach to his work and clients.