Natural Disasters

Bushfires, floods and Storms

Natural disasters pose a significant risk to workplaces and can have devastating impacts. Some common risks of natural disasters to your business include:

Your location: Depending on where your business is located, you may be at risk of different types of natural disasters such as bushfires, floods, storms etc.

Your suppliers: Key suppliers may be affected by natural disasters, impacting their ability to provide goods and services to you during and after the event. 

Delivery methods: How you deliver your goods and services may impact your ability to continue during a disaster. For example, relying on major transport routes that may close due to a flood can disrupt your operations.

Your employees: Disaster may prevent employees from reaching your workplace, impacting your ability to operate as normal. Employees may also be impacted by a temporary closure of your business.

Having plans in place and being prepared can help you recover faster, keep things running smoothly and protect your profits.

Managing Natural Disasters

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