Staff Programs

Staff Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) / Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) programs refer to comprehensive initiatives and frameworks implemented within an organisation to safeguard the health and well-being of its employees. These programs are designed to identify, assess, and control workplace hazards, promote safe work practices, and comply with occupational health and safety regulations. Staff OH&S/WHS programs aim to create a culture of safety, enhance employee awareness, and minimize the risk of accidents, injuries, and work-related illnesses.

Key elements of staff OH&S programs typically include:

  • Risk Assessment
  • Safety Policies
  • Training and Education
  • Emergency Response Training
  • Hazard Control Measures
  • Health Promotion
  • Incident Reporting and Investigation
  • Workplace Inspections
  • Communication
  • Employee Involvement
  • Return to work programs

Managing Staff Programs

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