Arguably more important than structural or process matters are relationship and behavioural dynamics in the boardroom. While hard data on board culture and behaviour is elusive it is not a stretch to suggest that without highly functional boardroom relationships – among board members and with management – boards cannot hope to govern well by relying solely on the other two legs of the governance stool: behaviours and culture.
The challenges that boards and management often encounter when sharing power, loosening their grip on control and navigating real or perceived conflict can undermine their ability to govern well. The essential need for trust and confidence in each other can be compromised and, unfortunately, tolerated.
Individual director accountability is the next frontier of where good governance needs to focus its time and attention. This article offers some constructive perspectives on addressing this appropriately within the context of the boardroom.
Explore the key topics covered in this thought leadership report:
- Looking beyond governance structure and process
- The importance of boardroom behaviours and culture
- Boardroom dysfunction and the root cause
- A double standard in the boardroom
- A lack of meaningful director accountability
- Recognition of governance standards and expectations
- The imperative going forward